The folder you downloaded from our ftp site contains an application program called "Overture 2.0.6-2.0.7 Update". To use this application to update your version of Overture 2.0.6 to version 2.0.7, please follow the directions listed below.
How to update from version 2.0.6 to version 2.0.7.
1. Double click on the updater icon.
2. The updater will automatically run.
3. A list of elligible programs will appear in the updaters window.
4. Select your version of Overture 2.0.6.
5. Click <OK> to update your version to version 2.0.7.
6. When the updater is done, it will automatically move your old version to the trash. It is up to you to remove your previous version.
7. You may now begin using Overture 2.0.7.
!!!!Please consult the accompanied "Overture 2.0.7 Read Me" for a list of items fixed in this version!!!!